We’ve heard it all before: we now live in a data-driven world. Today, everything from our sleep cycle to our workout routine can be backed by data. When it comes to SaaS companies, data is more important than ever before. Those not using it are being left behind, and those generating original data are finding themselves at a competitive advantage.
Not only does that data benefit your business, but it also goes a long way with media. While multiple business initiatives can pique the media’s interest, here are a few ways B2B SaaS brands can leverage their data to secure media coverage.
#1 Offer Data That Addresses Industry Topics
One reason data is valuable is that it can be hard to come by. Especially in a time of so much disinformation, data from a verified source is the Holy Grail for journalists. Sharing your research with the press, whether through a report, survey or compilation of back-end platform data, allows them to enhance articles and provide deeper insight into a topic. Armed with new information, reporters may even choose to devote an entire article to your data.
#2 Share a Visual Representation
Data can be overwhelming. Sometimes, your research is simply too much to sift through. Supplying a visual representation of your data, like an infographic or chart, provides a digestible snapshot for media that can be easily displayed or dissected to fit their focus. Not all publications are willing to publish branded visuals, but for those who do, sharing a visual representation of data allows media a quick way to present information to readers. (Curious what this could look like? Check out this example of a 6Sense infographic featured in DemandGen Report.)
#3 Provide Executive Quotes for Context
Pairing data with executive quotes gives you the opportunity to add additional context to the findings and elaborate on key messages, which can entice media already interested in the topic. Doing so also offers the chance to put a face to the findings, allowing you to grow executive visibility alongside your brand. Your executive’s commentary can provide journalists with insights they might not have picked up on their own.
Whether you compile your data into a report, opt for visual representation or pair data with executive insight, sharing new facts or statistics with media is an impactful tactic to securing quality placements and building powerful relationships.
Download BLASTmedia’s new data analysis, “SaaS PR: Analysis of Fastest-Growing Brands,” for a look at how some of last year’s fast-growing SaaS brands secured media coverage.