PR supports VC fund launch

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Sixty8 Capital sought to gain industry awareness as the first venture capital firm in Indiana dedicated to investing in Black, Latinx, women and LGBTQ+-led startups, and to highlight one of its founders, Kelli Jones, as the first Black, female VC in Indiana. 


To generate awareness of Sixty8 Capital’s announcement that would reach key audiences, including business and venture capital leaders, tech leaders, Black community leaders and leaders in the geographic regions where the firm was located and planned to invest, PANBlast knew its strategy must extend beyond issuing a press release. 

To succeed at making an impact through PR, PANBlast identified top, national media targets to make outreach to under embargo, with the goal of securing interviews for Kelli and providing her the opportunity to tell the Sixty8 Capital story directly.


From the announcement campaign, PANBlast secured seven interviews and a total of 26 placements, including six top-tier features, with a total reach of 246M and an average Domain Authority (DA) of 68. The mix of outlets where the team secured coverage aligned with each of the four key audiences defined and included announcement features in Cheddar (broadcast interview), Forbes, TechCrunch, Essence, Indianapolis Business Journal and Cincinnati Business Courier.