What Is Non-traditional PR?

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Author: Kate Johnson
Kate Johnson
What is non-traditional PR? By Kate Johnson
What is non-traditional PR? By Kate Johnson

Traditional PR, digital PR, modern PR, non-traditional PR — these terms are constantly thrown around in the marketing and public relations world. But they often lack context.  

Some people may find themselves asking: what do all of these terms mean, and what services fall into each one? 

Let’s focus on non-traditional PR. Some define non-traditional PR as the art of building links and influence rather than relationships. But this is only partially true. Non-traditional PR does break away from traditional PR’s sole focus on placing stories and securing interviews based on a “who you know” mentality. But parts of non-traditional PR still require relationship-building through touchpoints with media contacts. 

Non-traditional PR, by the PANBlast definition, is PR that moves beyond print and contributed content articles in trade magazines. Instead, it leverages modern, digital formats or unique placements to amplify company messaging and reach target audiences. Some of our most successful targets include podcasts, placements and swaps on software company blogs and video coverage through webinars, influencer vlogs or broadcast media outlets. These outlets diversify a client’s coverage mix and build a more robust overall strategy. 

Let’s dive into some of these mediums and examine why they’re so effective: 


More than half (57%) of US consumers listened to podcasts in 2021. This is a 55% increase from the previous year, proving that podcasts are an increasingly popular source for everything from news to entertainment to advice. 

Numerous podcast options live in the SaaS space, and many are hungry for industry-specific stories. When exploring podcasts, ask yourself, what audience am I trying to reach? Do I have a spokesperson who is equipped to be live and is comfortable in an interview setting? What unique stories does my business have to tell? 

Nearly every company has a target audience, a compelling story and a spokesperson who loves to engage with the media. And with so many consumers tuning in, podcasts are a fantastic way to amplify your message with target prospects, investors, consumers and beyond. 

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Software Company Blogs 

Have you ever heard startup leaders say things like, “I want to be the next Salesforce of the X industry,” or “we are aiming to be the next HubSpot in our space?” Indeed, many SaaS brands try to emulate an aspirational company. In this case, another effective non-traditional PR tactic that helps hone in on a target audience is leveraging software company blogs. Companies like HubSpot, Drift and Moz have various editorial options, including guest posts on blogs, industry influencer Q&As and podcast interviews. 

This non-traditional PR strategy attaches your organization to a highly regarded player in the space. And placing content or thought leadership with these organizations provides a level of third-party validation to your company and product. 

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Video Coverage

Video coverage no longer simply refers to traditional broadcast TV interviews. While there is still value in those broadcast opportunities, video coverage has expanded to include influencer vlog interviews, webinars, trade media broadcasts and more. 

Securing opportunities to speak on video offers similar benefits to traditional broadcast news but can be even more engaging. Face-to-face video coverage not only makes interactions with consumers feel more natural, but you can also provide other value adds like demos or infographics that can help make a product or topic more attractive and engaging. 

Companies can also leverage smaller on-camera opportunities to help secure more prominent broadcast placements. After all, your key spokespeople already have publicly available video interviews that are recorded and easily accessible. 

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PR continues to evolve, and in our modern and extremely noisy world, capitalizing on non-traditional PR tacts is critical to a successful campaign. And the brand awareness created through an impactful PR campaign can be invaluable, helping companies stand out among the competition. 

Want to learn more about how PANBlast can help? Contact Lindsey Groepper to find out more!